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Photography Services
Drone Services
Property Walkthroughs
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Is this property occupied?* required
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Please enter any additional information such as specific features you need photographed, or anything else you might consider pertinent. If this property is tenant occupied, please provide tenant contact information.
(NOTE: This option is only displayed to team members, not clients)
Putting in a request does not guarantee availability. A member of A Knights Fancy Photography Studio will be in contact shortly in order to confirm a date and/or time. Both parties may reschedule at any time without recompense.
A Knights Fancy Photography Studio and its photographers retain title and ownership of all images. You are paying for the rights to utilize the requested content in connection with your business. Upon payment of the amount listed in this order form, you will be granted a royalty-free license in perpetuity giving specific rights over said content. These rights include the ability to reproduce, distribute, display, prepare derivate works of, modify and publicly perform the Images in connection with the real estate industry, including without limitation such uses of the Images in connection with advertising real property, to modify any metadata as necessary, and to authorize and sublicense such rights to third parties at your discretion.
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Thank you for your order. A member of our staff will reach out to you shortly to verify your date. Please remember the date you've chosen is not guaranteed but we will make our best effort to meet your timeframe needs.